Tuning Services for Handpans
One of the challenging aspects of tuning such an array of handpans from different builders is understanding the various techniques used by each handpan maker. The way a Panart Hang is tuned can be quite different than the way a Pantheon Steel Halo is tuned, etc. There are numerous methods that can be used for handpan tuning and it is up to each builder to design. Another aspect to consider when tuning handpans is having knowledge of the material used as well as the way the instrument was formed. Whether your instrument was drawn, hammer sunk, hydro formed, spun, or rolled will have an impact on the tuning techniques implemented. Having built instruments upon most of these platforms, attending numerous festivals, as well as having instruments shipped to me from around the world, I have experience tuning handpans made from all of these methods and continue to develop my understanding of how these differences inform which approach to undertake.
Standard Handpan Tuning
For standard handpan tuning on most instruments, the price is variable between $100-$150, depending on how far out of tune the instrument is. There are a number of handpans of which more work is required based on how it was built. While I strive to provide tuning services for all handpans, some of these will either require a higher charge or I may refer you back to the original builder to have them service the instrument. The amount of time it will take to tune can also vary pending the stability of the handpan. Some will require multiple tunings to achieve the most stability possible for that instrument. The more information the better! If you provide a video of each note being played, the name of the maker, year it was made, and the notes in the scale I can give you the most accurate quote.

The first sign is your ears! It often happens that one day while playing your instrument, it just sounds...off.
That is a good time to check your instrument's tuning.